In the old society he was always working under the blazing sun 在旧社会他常在炽热的阳光下干活儿。
For part of the day he went into the court - yard , seated himself on a stone with his head bare and exposed to the blazing sun 那天下午他走到天井里,光着头坐在一块石头上,曝晒在炽热的阳光底下。
A blazing sun upon a fierce august day was no greater rarity in southern france then , than at any other time before or since 在法国南部,八月炎热的日子里骄阳当空,在那之前或之后这都不是什么稀罕的事。
True friendship provides for me fresh thoughts and abundant energy , like charcoal fire in the cold winter and thick shade in the blazing sun 真正的友谊为我提供了新的思想和丰富的能量,像熊熊的火焰在寒冷的冬天里燃烧和在炽烈太阳下的茂密的阴凉处。
A victim ? if he had been robbed several times at night , for instance ? might experience anxiety and phobia just by stepping outside his home , even under a blazing sun 好比说有位在夜间多次遭劫的受害人,只要跨出家门口就可能出现焦虑及恐惧的感觉,就算是在光天化日之下也一样。